Body Basics Electrolysis Client Testimonials
We love helping our clients!
I tried Laser, but after much research switched to Body Basics Electrolysis
I have olive tone skin and dark hair. I tried the laser hair removal procedure performed by one of the reputable dermatologists in the area. The price was affordable, the sessions were quickly over, and I tolerated the discomfort in exchange for the promised result of an 80% hairless face in one year, if I went through all the 6 or 7 treatments.
After the fifth treatment, due to a delay in between visits, I noticed new hair growth on my neck, chin, and cheek where I did not have hair before. When I discussed it with the doctor, he simply zapped them with the laser. Again, something came up and I had to wait much longer than usual to go to my next treatment (they recommend minimum 4 weeks in between). So, more new hair had a chance to grow and show itself allover my face. New hair grew not only on all the treated spots, but also on the neighboring spots that were not treated. The new hair and the treated hair were thicker than my before-the-treatment hair. I stopped going to the laser sessions.
This started me off on an extensive and expensive out-of-pocket research to learn many facts. I learned that it was a bad decision to just go to a well-known dermatologist in the area for laser treatment. First, there are no solid regulations or guidelines to protect the consumer. Some dermatologist set up their laser practice with one laser machine and only after a few hours of training, which I learned is absolutely not anywhere near enough to deal with the spectrum of patient needs. Commitment, specialized training, and broad range of equipment (i.e., 17 or 18 different machines to fit the skin and hair types) are required to establish a trustworthy laser practice. In U.S.A. there are only a small number of centers that are qualified to assess and/or perform laser hair removal for any type of skin and hair. The doctors at these centers have years of laser treatment experience and they are laser specialists. The quoted fees at these centers were not affordable for me. Not to mention that the closest center to our area in 2 1/2 hours away. For a consultation with a top expert in the field, I did travel to one of these centers. As I understood, the degree of laser's success for my facial hair removal is initially unknown. Just to find out if my hair is budging for the treatment or not, I need to invest a considerable amount of money and time (at least 3x7 hours round-trip travel).
Laser hair removal is a relatively new technique. FDA makes very careful and restricted comments about the permanence of laser hair removal. The technique has not been around long enough to establish itself. All and all, after hearing the world-class experts on laser facts, I whole-heartedly decided to research Electrolysis as an option. None of the qualified laser specialists denies the Electrolysis' proven track record of permanent hair removal. However, they mention the length of time and painfulness of the procedure as shortcomings. To me, the laser my dermatologist used was quick, but quick at accomplishing what? It was certainly quick to grow new hair and cause pigmentation. The pain of dealing with new hair growth, coarse re-growth, and spotted face is much larger than the Electrolysis pain, considering that there are great local anesthetic creams that greatly reduce the discomfort of the Electrolysis session to an absolute minimum.
The laser experts also cite the risks of pigmentation and scarring for dark skins treated by Electrolysis. These side effects only happen if you end up in the hands of an incompetent and inexperienced electrolysis practitioner. I have come to know, by personal experience, that the unqualified laser practitioner could and would definitely leave you with pigmentation and scars.
I started researching about Electrolysis and Electrolysis services in the area. I chose Body Basics and I am very happy with my choice. I am a scientist by profession, and I find Louise to be very knowledgeable about her field. She is a no nonsense expert practitioner that authentically answered my questions and concerns and genuinely cares about her clients. That is something that I did not notice in my dermatologist. he truly stands behind what she claims. She uses the most effective Electrolysis method. Benefiting from her medical background as a nurse, she manages to do a precise and perfect job. There is a saying that "if you want to learn something well, teach it." Well, Louise has trained Electrolysis practitioners and has taught the subject. She is very thorough with sterilization procedures, which is of outmost importance to me. I have had neither scarring nor pigmentations since I started going to Body Basics. The sessions are very comfortable. My face has started to look pleasant and clean. Two of my relatives who are medical doctors are Louise's clients as well, and they are very satisfied with the process and the result. After I finish my thirty something sessions for an 80% hair-free face, I will write some more. By then, I should be rid of the new-grown and coarse re-grown hair created by the renowned doctor. According to Louise, I should afterward be able to just check with her every three months, only if needed.

A Doctor Tries Body Basics
When I was approached by the Body Basics Electrolysis staff to write a testimonial for their web page, I was delighted! I want everyone to know how wonderful the staff is at Body Basics. Being a doctor, I was most impressed with their professionalism and sterilization techniques. (These days you want to make sure that instrumentation of this type is adequately sterilized!) The staff is very adept and well trained in utilizing the latest technology and topical anesthetics. My specialty is General Surgery, and after having done hundreds of operations, I have found that different people have various tolerances for pain. The staff at Body Basics realizes this and adjusts the settings and the amount of anesthetic accordingly. For those of you who have had "nightmarish" experiences going to other electrolysis centers, this is the place for you. From the first visit, they are careful to explain the entire procedure in detail. Furthermore, they are caring and gentle in their technique.
Aside from the clean and pleasant atmosphere at Body Basics, I was impressed by the results! I saw results immediately! No more plucking my chin every morning! I used to walk around holding my hand up to cover the dark hairs on my chin or I would keep my surgical mask on as much as possible - not anymore! Now I can hold my chin up high. I cannot begin to tell you what it has done for my self-esteem. If you have unwanted hair and have been contemplating electrolysis, I highly recommend that you try Body Basics Electrolysis. I am certain that you will be satisfied with the courteous and professional staff at Body Basics!
Dr. Lourdes Pelaez - Echevarria

A Customer's Impressions
Dear Louise:
I want to commend you on the excellent electrology and waxing provided by Body Basics. The decor of the office is appealing. Treatment rooms are extremely clean and private. It is obvious that the most technologically advanced techniques are used to ensure all equipment is clean and sanitary.
Every appointment has started on time. There are no interruptions, once the session begins. The cost of treatment is competitive considering the hair will be permanently removed using the revolutionary blend method, offered only by your business. I have not found another electrologist in the surrounding counties who offers the blend hair removal method, which is, by far, the quickest, most effective way to permanently remove hair.
Keep up the great work!

And more...
...I find Louise to be very knowledgeable . . . a no nonsense expert practitioner...
... I chose Body Basics (Electrolysis).